Hand carved, pure Teotihuacán obsidian scrying mirror, an ancient tool for divination.
Sizing + Info
Each handmade piece is approx. 8" tall.
$10 standard shipping, free shipping on orders of $100 or more

Scrying has been practiced for thousands of years by various cultures around the world. The word itself is more recent and comes from the mid 14th century, the Old English descry – to "detect, find out, discover (something concealed)". It is believed that reflective surfaces made of polished obsidian are the world’s oldest "mirrors" and the people of ancient Mexico used these volcanic glass surfaces or tezcatl, as a tool for divination. In the practice of scrying the user looks into the reflective material in the hope that spiritual visions of the past, present, and future can be seen in the object. The visions are thought to come from gods, spirits, devils, or the psychic mind.

Obsidian is thought to be a particularly powerful tool for scrying rituals because the smooth, deep black glass has been a tool of healing for thousands of years and is said to counter anxiety and anger, and to protect from negative energy by blocking or absorbing its draining forces.