Faceted crystal pendant on a delicate sterling silver chain. Translucent crystals have been used for discerning one's past, present and future through a practice known as scrying. The user gazes into the crystal, lets the eyes relax, and with proper breathing is lulled into a light trance where visions or desired information can be perceived.
Sizing + Info
Pendant is 1" x 1"
$10 standard shipping, free shipping on orders of $100 or more

The practice of scrying dates as far back as 3000 BC in China where cracked eggs were used for divination. By looking into reflective, translucent, or luminescent substances some believe that spiritual visions of the past, present and future can be seen in the object. The visions were thought to come from gods, spirits, devils, or the psychic mind, though non-believers say that anything seen in the crystal comes from the subconscious longing of the user. One of the most famous scryers in history, Nostradamus, claimed to see the future in a bowl of water or a "magic mirror" while he was in a trance.